By observing Jesus, we are able to see what God is like, because Jesus is God in a human body. He came to reveal God to us and provide a way for us to know Him, as a friend knows a friend. In this video, we examine how Jesus lived and interacted with people.

In this video, we let God speak for Himself! We scroll through profound verses from the Bible that describe God’s character while amazing pictures of His creation display in the background. He is an amazing God who is greater than our best dreams!

Mankind is precious to God! You are precious to God! God created us so that we could know Him and He could know us – as a friend knows a friend. However, as we look at the world around us and our own personal lives, it is very clear that something bad has happened.

In this video, we examine why our relationship with God has been damaged and broken. When mankind lost this relationship, we lost the things we want the most. True love. True joy. True peace. True fulfillment and satisfaction. But, there is hope! Relationship can be restored!

Walking with God has never been about empty religion – keeping a list of rules and trying to be good enough. We can never be good enough. That’s why relationship with God is a free gift! Just simply walk with Him day-by-day. Talk to Him. Get to know Him. He will set you free.

Baptism is an important part of following Jesus. We don’t get baptized to get a relationship with Jesus. No! We get baptized because we ALREADY have a relationship with Jesus! Baptism is our public confession that we have chosen to follow Him.

Three days after Jesus died on the cross, He rose from the dead! This is no fairy tale. Jesus is God in a human body, and God is the creator of all life! Resurrection power comes from Him! He has the power to give you new life, too! Will you believe this good news?

Relationship with God doesn’t come by your efforts. It comes through Jesus as a free gift. Will you believe in Him? Will you trust Him? He is the one who restores our relationship with God, and He wants to do it for you! He is the way, truth, and life.

We all live selfishly. It’s my life, my time, my body, my money, my kingdom, my choice, my pleasure, etc. – this mindset is death. It literally kills our soul. Do you want life? Jesus said whoever denies themself and follows Him will have abundant, eternal life. Choose Him!

Just as trust is important in a marriage or a friendship, trust is very important in your relationship with God! He is worthy of your trust! He will not let you down! You can believe what He says. We may lie, but God does not.

How can you trust God if you don’t know what His promises are? How can you obey Him if you don’t know what His teachings are? This is why reading the Bible is so critical. It is an important part of walking with God day-by-day. Get a Bible and begin to read it!

The teachings and commands of Jesus are good and right. They are not heavy burdens like the rules we create. A person who hears Jesus’ words and puts them into action is very wise, and this is how we show God that we love Him – we obey His teaching.

Communication is important in any relationship, and it is certainly important in your relationship with God. Talk to Him everyday. This is all prayer is – talking to God! He is near to those who call out to Him. He loves to hear from you!