So often, we misunderstand what God really wants. He wants us to act religious, right? He wants us to keep a list of rules, right? Isn’t this what please Him the most? Actually… no!!! Watch this video to see what God really wants.

Jesus speaks an invitation that is mind-blowing. He, the eternal God, wants to have relationship with you and I. He wants us to know Him and walk with Him, and He communicates this very clearly through His words. Have you accepted His invitation?

Does God want us to go thru life worried and fearful, wondering if He indeed has forgiven us and accepts us? How can we be sure? The words of Jesus make the answer very clear. God wants us to be sure… and we can be!

Everywhere we look in the news, there seems to be stories of death. Crime. Injustice. Destructive behavior. What should our reaction be? God wants us to do more than pray. We need to take action in our communities! Help as Jesus helped. Love as Jesus loved.

When Jesus says something is the “greatest command”, we need to sit up and pay attention. This is the critical key to living a full, happy life on this earth and enjoying the best eternity in heaven.  Don’t miss out!  Listen to and obey Jesus’ greatest command.