Find Hope

The greatest invitation in all the universe has been given to you! Jesus says, “Come to Me, and I will give you new life!”. Is this for real? Yes! Jesus is the God of forgiveness and resurrection power. He gives people new life! In this video, we show how to come to Him.

Jesus wants you. In fact, He wants you so much He has come to you and He knocks at your door. Will you hear His voice? Will you open the door and let Him in? He promises that if anyone opens the door, He will come in and give them brand-new life!

How can God give you new life? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead can raise you from the dead. We are all dead in our sins and rebellion. Our souls are damaged and enslaved. We need new life – Jesus raises people from the dead.

We all live selfishly. It’s my life, my time, my body, my money, my kingdom, my choice, my pleasure, etc. – this mindset is death. It literally kills our soul. Do you want life? Jesus said whoever denies themself and follows Him will have abundant, eternal life. Choose Him!